I am on the search for numinous moments in a world that seems dull. Conjuring inspiration by observing small moments, moments that are for the birds — worthless, trivial and modest. I think this is where godliness exists, even in the mundane and uninspiring.
In my daily life, but especially while reading, I’m inspired. By inspired I mean this definition, to “create (a feeling, especially a positive one) in a person.” When I’m reading, the positive feeling that is created within me is appreciation, for the writer, for their life and their words. Or if I’m daydreaming, appreciation for the way the sunlight is landing on the kitchen floor or the way the clouds are huge and fluffy today. The root word of inspire inspirare means to breathe or blow into. I suppose I am looking for moments that give me breath, that breathe something into me.
I want to have an external record or representation of this aspect of my life that feels very internal and private, partly for the purpose of accountability, as a record, a collection or archive, some sort of proof of the work. And partly as an exercise for myself, to cultivate a better sense of seeing.
Katie Tomzynski’s poetry has appeared in the following publications:
The City is Already Speaking, Volume 3
Transfer Magazine
Katie Tomzynski, along with writer Clayton Curtice, is the co-founder and editor of Just Chugged Four Beers zine, established in 2016.
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