In the sunset i see the moon so big it hurt my eyes after a while

The moon in a blue sky with clouds

at first i barely saw it 

like a cloud in the daytime

a pale white shred above the street 

setting in the blue sky almost full 

the day is too hot 

so i call in sick

i am expecting my period 

it’s sunday and everyone in the city decided to go to the beach

including us 

but we don’t end up making it 

even though i want to 

back at home when i put on my bathing suit in the bathroom

you were getting into the shower and you said

why are you wearing your bathing suit?

i don’t know why it made me cry

when you asked me that 

i thought you forgot we were going to the beach

i have to say

i’m embarrassed by the way i threw myself on the bed

and screamed with my head buried into the pillow

when i thought you forgot we were going to the beach

but really you just didn’t think we’d go in the water 

then i remembered that i haven’t cried in a while

and maybe that needed to come out

and maybe that’s why i need to go to the beach today

to see a big body of water

lawton moraga noriega

we drive and drive looking for parking 

in the sunset along the avenues 

all the families leave the beach at 3 

we wait for a family to cross the street

each member on a bicycle 

i guess they didn’t drive here

my eyes are sleepy from too much sun

and moon

it’s not supposed to be 90 degrees in san francisco

this is why i left la 

we give up on the sunset

we try to go to fort funston 

but everyone has the same good idea as me 

to go to the beach

the rows of cars shine in the packed parking lot 

when we finally decide to go home 

i see a hawk circling the pine trees

along comes three crows swinging

swooping their wings 

nipping at the hawk

who then flies away

i’ve seen it with my own eyes now

the crows keeping out a hawk



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In the sunset i see the moon so big it hurt my eyes after a while.png


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